Remodeling Required

Now that Josiah has a secure, enclosed bed to keep him safe and sound at night, we are all getting adequate sleep around here.  I really think it’s only a matter of time before Josiah figures out how easy it would be to escape his bed.  Quite honestly, I’m surprised he hasn’t figured it out already.

We truly thought his ‘netted’ bed would last only a week or so. As with most things, Josiah discovers ways around or through them pretty quickly.  I envisioned torn fabric, ripped to shreds by a boy lying wide awake at night with nothing better to do than to tear his way out.  Since we have furniture movers underneath the bed to glide it easily across the carpet, I imagined Josiah would prop his feet on the wall, pushing the bed away to gain easy access out.

So far, none of that has happened. I think he really likes it in there.  It’s calm and quiet.  No one places any demands on him or has any expectations of him when Josiah is inside. He’s free to relax and play with beads if he’s fortunate enough to have some in there with him.  It’s kind of like his little man cave.

It’s also the place where, how shall I put this delicately…where things that often times have been backed up, get moving in the right direction, if you follow my drift.  Here’s another way to say it…when we hear Josiah awake in his room, it’s best to get to him quickly.  One sniff when you walk in will tell you if you were too late.

Most mornings lately, we’ve been too late. Praise the Lord for ‘Little Keeper Sleepers’, more commonly known around here as backwards jammies, because truly they have saved the day more times than not the last few years. It is impossible for Josiah to get them off no matter how hard he may try, They zip up the back with 3 snaps for extra security. Prior to finding these phenomenal pajamas on line, those times when we had been too late were worse, much, much worse.

Let’s just say it typically required a hazmat suit, (if only we owned one) some heavy duty rubber gloves, a bucket full of warm soapy water and a boat load of disinfectant.  Often times, it also involved wiping down walls, cleaning the carpet and dragging Josiah’s large trampoline out of his bedroom, down the hall and out the door to the backyard where it received a good, deodorized scrubbing.

These days, when we are too late, the room gets aired out, the bed linens get washed, Josiah gets a bath, or 2 or 3 (seriously) and his beloved backwards jammies end up in the backyard, in the grass, waiting to be hosed off.  The tub gets cleaned, the toilet gets scrubbed, the dirty clothes get washed (after everything is washed away outside) and then we begin our happy day.

It’s all a process. A lengthy one at that.  Some mornings, the clothes we change Josiah into after his 1st bath end up needing to go out in the backyard for a hosing off as well, hence the need for his 2nd bath. And some mornings, it happens 3 times.

Some days, it feel as if I spend HOURS dealing with bathroom issues.  Call me crazy, but it just may be time to add a little something extra inside Josiah’s netted bed. What could it hurt?

portable potty

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