Puzzling Isn’t It?

enigmaJosiah is an enigma.  A psychologist told me, years ago.  An enigma is a person that is mysterious, puzzling or difficult to understand.  Unfortunately, We don’t own an enigma handbook. Sure wish we did.  It would make life much easier if we could just flip to the index when necessary.

Simplistic, strategic steps to remedy difficult situations would be most beneficial. I’m not asking for much.  I just want a basic formula to follow when things quickly spiral out of control. And, it has to be fool-proof.  Definitely fool-proof.  No spiraling allowed.

Apparently, Josiah has been rather aggressive at school recently.  I just found out.  He’s been grabbing hair and trying to flip furniture.  Last night, he flipped our coffee table 3 times.  He just picked it up and hurled it over like it was the most logical thing in the world to do.

I want to know why.

What about the coffee table excites him? Why the need to pick it up and toss it?  What gratification does he receive from repeating the process multiple times?

Why does hair fascinate Josiah?  Why does he have such an intense attraction to it? What causes the shift from ever so gently stroking hair to suddenly, without warning, yanking it with a death grip by the fistful?  Inquiring minds want to know.

All those years ago, before I ever had children and just knew in my heart of hearts being a parent was going to be easy, I was clueless.  Naive, hopelessly optimistic and clueless.

5 kids later, I still am.

Strategies to help a typically developing child are lost on Josiah.  He changes everything.
But, I’ve always liked a challenge.  I am undaunted.  I am determined to figure this kid out.
I’m determined to understand what he is feeling and why.  I’m intent on helping him.

Josiah may be a puzzle.  But I’m about to become the puzzle queen.  It is on.

Someone grab the Mod Podge.

3 thoughts on “Puzzling Isn’t It?

  1. Diwakar says:

    Hello sister Sandy and Brent, I like your fighting spirit. You do not want to easily give up which need patience, alertness and watchful all the time. The ending sentence of your post (Josiah my be a puzzle. But I’m about to become the puzzle queen) speaks of your determination and what a spirit you have. I believe that it is from the Lord and His grace is sufficient in your weakness. Thank you sister Sandy. Your approach to the new challenges teach us a lot. It shows your growing love for Josiah. Be assured of my continued prayers for him and you both as you continue to take care of Josiah. My prayers for your other four children Taylor,Breanne, Jesse and Chandler. God willing If I happen to come to States in near future I would love to visit your family and specially pray for Josiah. For God nothing is impossible. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede, Mumbai, India

  2. Diwakar says:

    Hello sister Sandy and Brent, I like your fighting spirit. You do not want to easily give up which need patience, alertness and watchful all the time. The ending sentence of your post (Josiah my be a puzzle. But I’m about to become the puzzle queen) speaks of your determination and what a spirit you have. I believe that it is from the Lord and His grace is sufficient in your weakness. Thank you sister Sandy. Your approach to the new challenges teach us a lot. It shows your growing love for Josiah. Be assured of my continued prayers for him and you both as you continue to take care of Josiah. My prayers for your other four children Taylor,Breanne, Jesse and Chandler. God willing If I happen to come to States in near future I would love to visit your family and specially pray for Josiah. For God nothing is impossible. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede, Mumbai, India

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