His First Party

you're invitedJosiah was invited to a birthday party yesterday. I nearly cried when I saw the invitation in his backpack a couple of weeks ago. Josiah doesn’t get invited to birthday parties. This was such a thrill for me. It was an invitation from a little boy in Josiah’s class. It was held at a local bouncy house place.

You know Josiah. He’s a jumper. This kid bounces with the best of them. He bounces on the chair. He bounces on the bed. He bounces in the car. He even bounces on his knees across the floor. So, this was the perfect event for him. I just knew Josiah would be in his element at this party, once he got used to the environment.

As usual, I was wrong.

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Master Plan

planJosiah was home sick from school yesterday. He has been getting sick quite a bit lately. I can only guess this means it’s time to move. Here’s the logic behind that statement. When Josiah was born, we lived in Ohio. Every winter our poor boy had serious respiratory problems. It started when Josiah was just a couple of weeks old. He became ill and then dehydrated.

While in the hospital to get hydrated, he contracted RSV, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, a highly contagious infection in the lungs and breathing passages. He stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks. Chandler ended up joining him there. And thus began our frequent visits to the hospital.

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Lessons Learned

This marks the 100th blog post I’ve written thus far, about life with Josiah. I can’t imagine I’ve ever had so much to say about all of this, but quite obviously, I did. I can’t imagine my life without any of my children. Each one brings inexplicable joy and abundant blessings.

Years ago, if you would have asked me if I was up to the task of raising a child with challenges, I would have shouted NO as loudly as I could have from the roof tops. I’m glad I didn’t get to make that decision. I can’t imagine my life without Josiah.

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Sleep Solutions

my fair weddingFor some unknown reason Josiah has decided he no longer needs sleep. For some unknown reason, my body has not been in total agreement with Josiah’s recent decision. The first sentence on my last blog post said, Josiah slept GREAT last night. I think that was the last night he has slept well. Since then Josiah has been up til almost 2 am every night. Which means of course, either Rick or I are up til 2 am every night.

Last night I was determined to be in bed, sound asleep, by 9:30. I planned on making up for a few nights of sleep deprivation. Never happened. Josiah had such an exuberance of energy, much more energy than we have seen from him in a long time. He was bouncy and vocal and wild.

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Little Comedian

laughingJosiah slept GREAT last night. It was the first night in a week he slept the entire night and STAYED in his own room. He actually went to sleep at a decent hour, which I consider a double bonus. Prior to last night, Josiah had been staying up til 2:30 every morning.

A couple of nights ago, Josiah climbed in our bed after Rick and I were sound asleep. He started bouncing. He made lots of loud noises. I got up, took my pillow and a blanket to sleep on the couch. Rick woke up a few minutes later, and took Josiah to his room. He helped him climb up into his tent bed, then left the room. Rick walked past me laying on the couch and announced, “I put Josiah to bed”.

I smiled, thinking to myself, I don’t think it will be that easy. I’m sure he’s going to be bouncing out of there in a few minutes.

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