They Have Journeys Too

the kidsBreanne unexpectedly came home from college this weekend. She had some things she needed to get done here that she wasn’t able to do there. So, she bought a bus ticket from Austin to Houston Friday afternoon. I picked her up at the bus station Friday night.

We laughed all the way home. When we are together, we laugh a lot.  Breanne has a great sense of humor.  I love that.  It’s fun to be with her. Breanne is passionate about politics.  She had an internship at the Capitol in Austin.  She loves to keep current on political events and policies.  That amazes me.

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never give upWhen Josiah wants something, he lets you know. He is insistent and persistent. Lately, he’s been obsessed with Hostess Coffee Cakes.  He absolutely adores them. He usually gets one in his lunch box every day. First, he has to eat the healthier options we’ve packed for him and then he is allowed to enjoy the snack cake.

When he gets home from school, he navigates through his Ipad communication app to say, ‘I want to eat a snack cake.’ Sometimes he takes me by the hand and practically drags me through the kitchen to the oven.  He knows we keep the box of coffee cakes in the cabinet just above it.

He takes my arm and throws it up, hoping I’ll retrieve one of his delectable treats and serve it to him. I explain he already has had one and is not going to get another.  My words fall on deaf ears.

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Such a Smart Kid

seatbeltJosiah recently decided he doesn’t need a seat belt anymore. Every time I strap him in, he wiggles his body right out. Yesterday, after I picked up Josiah from school, I needed to run a quick errand.  Since he loves riding in the van, I figured it was a good time to go.

We made it to our destination with minimal drama, though I did ‘catch’ Josiah twisting his body around so his back was hanging off the seat and his head tilted up. He was still strapped in, but contorted in such a way he was staring towards the ceiling, dangling a chewy tube from a cord. I snapped a couple of pictures of him, while stopped at a red light.

Shortly after that, Josiah stood up and started jumping.

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Rodeo Adventure

carouselJosiah’s class went on field trip this week to a nearby rodeo. I went along and I’m so glad I did. Josiah was not real impressed with the cattle roping or bull riding. Even the mutton busting did nothing for him. He was not interested in the hot dog lunch that was provided. He had little desire to walk around the place. Overall, I doubt Josiah would rank this as one of his top 10 days. That is, until he spotted the carnival rides.

Allow me to provide some background here. Josiah is not into rides. Never has been. Years ago, we took him to a nearby outdoor amusement park. He wasn’t happy. We boarded the train ride, thinking he might enjoy it. We were wrong. Josiah screamed and shrieked and bellowed so loudly I really thought I was going to have to jump off with him in my arms, midway through the ride.

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The Party Fun Continues

partyYou’ve already learned of the birthday party Josiah attended recently.  I had only shared half of the story. There is more. After spending over an hour just sitting in the large bouncy house, Josiah was happy to be ushered out. It was time for pizza, cake and presents. Parents helped their little ones put on shoes and everyone made their way into the big party room.

By the time Josiah was ready to enter, all the children were seated at a long rectangular table. The only seat left was at the far end of the room, up against the wall, past many, many children. Josiah peeked in the room and decided he wasn’t interested. If he could talk, I clearly envision Josiah looking up at me, saying, “No thank you” and politely walking away.

Instead, he spun around and started to bolt out of the room.

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