What a Blessing

blessed1I’m not sure how it came about.  Chandler and I were talking yesterday as I drove her to school.  Somehow we got onto the subject of Prom.  Chandler is only 11.  It will be quite a while before we even have to think about shopping for Prom dresses for her.  However, this being Prom season, somehow, the subject came up.

Will you take Josiah to his Prom, I asked?

I quickly glanced over to the passenger seat where Chandler was sitting.  I wanted to catch her initial reaction to my question.  She broke into a huge grin and said, “Awe, I would love to take Josiah to his Prom.  That would be so much fun.”

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I’m Back

Okay.  After a momentary lapse, I’m ready again.  Ready to dig in my heels and make the best of this journey.  Ready to look for the good in everything.  Ready to respond and not react.

Sleep deprivation isn’t pretty.  After a few nights of not enough rest, I am not at my best.  After a few weeks of interrupted sleep, I really struggle. It’s important to maintain proper rest to ensure a sunny disposition.

Josiah slept great last night.  He was actually asleep, in his own bed, before 10 pm.  He slept through the night and woke cheerfully around 6:30 this morning. He came to the kitchen, plopped down in his seat at the table and smiled.  He had a bathroom break and then was right back at the table, waiting for breakfast. About 15 minutes later, he was on the floor, not far from his seat, sound asleep again.

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My Plate is FULL

over whelmed 1Perhaps I spoke too soon.  Perhaps I am not so great at looking for the good in everything. Perhaps I react more than I respond.  These last 24 hours have proven I’m not as pulled together as I like to think.  Here are some of the highlights.

The kids had early release yesterday.  Josiah was home a little after noon and in hyper drive for some unknown reason.  He thought it funny to find things to knock over, climb on or throw. I spent the majority of my time trying to redirect him and/or clean up after him.

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Back to the Drawing Board

plan bIf we could just wear Josiah out during the day, he would sleep at night. It makes perfect sense, right? He doesn’t like to do much in the way of exercise, so, getting the boy in a pool to swim should do the trick. Yesterday, after all the kids got home from school, I packed our pool bag.

My fabulous friend, LuAnn, had graciously offered her pool any time we wanted to use it.  Her exact words were. “Our pool is your pool.”  Such a great friend.  Everyone should have a friend like her. Turns out only Chandler wanted to go.  Josiah didn’t have a choice.  He WAS going.

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I’m Ready

readyThe bowl cracked in 2 with a loud crash. Watermelon balls rolled across the floor, as Josiah hurled Chandler’s breakfast to the ground just moments ago. None of us reacted.  Not even Chandler, who now was not going to get to enjoy the watermelon she had been so excited to eat this morning.

“Thanks for reminding me I need to mop the kitchen floor Josiah”, I said. Without skipping a beat, Rick added, “Now you have a floorgasboard for breakfast, Chandler.”  We both smiled as Rick helped Josiah with the last steps of his morning routine.  I scooped up the watermelon balls, tossing them in the trash, before using the Swiffer Wet Jet to remove the sticky residue off the floor.

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