
curiousSometimes people stare. Mostly, it’s young children who stare at Josiah.  Occasionally an older child or an adult will stare. I imagine, if I wasn’t Josiah’s mom, I might stare as well.

Josiah, of course, is oblivious to people watching him.  He’s wrapped up in whatever he happens to be doing and is totally unaware. It doesn’t really bother me, I just wish I knew what people were thinking.  I wish I understood what it is that makes them so curious.  Why exactly are they staring?

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Blow Out

Within 3 days, Josiah has torn holes in 3 pairs of shorts. Sunday, we noticed a huge rip down the back of his plaid shorts, late in the afternoon. When I picked Josiah up after school on Monday, he was not wearing the shorts I had sent him to school in. Apparently, during PE, he tore a hole through his 2nd pair of plaid shorts. Tuesday, the 3rd pair of shorts had a blow out.

I purchased these shorts not long ago.  He has probably worn each pair only 2-3 times.  They haven’t even been laundered very much.  I’m not sure why they didn’t last.  I can’t figure out what Josiah did to create such big holes in each of his shorts.  As far as I can tell he didn’t tear them intentionally, or snag them on something or get them caught on anything.

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Milk Man

milk manLately, Josiah has been wanting milk.  Lots and lots of milk.  It seems he can’t get enough of it. He doesn’t use his ipad to request it.  He doesn’t drag me to the kitchen and throw my hand at the refrigerator.  He doesn’t even sign ‘milk’, like he used to many years ago.

Nope.  He’s more direct than that. He opens the refrigerator, yanks the jug from inside the refrigerator door and brings it to me, no matter where I am and no matter how full the gallon container happens to be.

The other day Chandler, Josiah and I were in my room.  Josiah walked away and returned with the milk.  I smiled, directed him back to the kitchen and gave him a glass of milk.  He drank a large amount. I went back to my room, assuming he was following me.  He wasn’t.

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My Joy

joy1In the end, there really was no need for concern.  Josiah’s back to his happy, bouncy, sleepless self.  I swear it started the very night I wrote about him sleeping so much. He’s back to staying up til the wee hours of the morning, and with such an abundance of energy I only wish I could tap into it as well.

I’m grateful for the few days when he slept well.  It was a much deserved respite for both Rick and I.  Josiah was probably just refueling his engines so he could go again for another few months, full speed ahead.  My guess is he recharged with rocket fuel.

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Is Change Cause for Concern?

Josiah has suddenly been sleeping quite a bit. This child who rarely sleeps, suddenly seems to do nothing but sleep. He sleeps in school. He sleeps in the van. He sleeps as soon as he gets home from school. He sleeps at the table. He sleeps on the floor.  He even sleeps in Church.

What is up with all this sleeping? Should we be concerned?  Does this mean something is amiss?  Or does this simply mean Josiah is going through a growth spurt and just needs the rest. For the past few nights, despite all his day time napping, we have been making a concerted effort to ensure Josiah follows his bedtime routine.

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