A Boy and His Chairs

We moved into our home almost 8 years ago. When we did, we bought a large kitchen table with 8 chairs to accommodate all 7 of us. They looked something like this. Within the first year, Josiah broke all 8 chairs.

Fortunately, they were all replaced FREE of charge before the year was out. Unfortunately, Josiah continued to break chairs.There is something about the sound of things crashing to the tile floor that fascinates him. Or maybe he just likes to test his strength.  I’m not really sure.

Slowly, we began replacing chairs on an as needed basis.

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Monkey Feet

monkey feetI’ve often thought Josiah would make an excellent Yoga instructor.  This boy is so flexible.  He can literally slide down into a split position on the floor and fall sleep. How can that possibly be comfortable?

Josiah has very low tone.  He is able to put both feet behind his head at the same time. I’ve seen him do it.  It always amazes me he is able to contort his body the way he does.  Lately, he has started something new.  He uses his feet to hold things.

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Public Restrooms

Navigating a public restroom with Josiah is quite an experience. For starters, there is no urine deflector which means you’d better get out of the splash zone rather quickly.

I’ve often thought I should just teach Josiah to sit backwards. Having his legs wrapped around a public toilet seat is not something to encourage however.  And so, we do the best we can.

If at all possible, we completely avoid public restrooms. But, if absolutely necessary, our visits go something like this…

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Constant Motion

whirlwindAlmost every day after school Josiah goes for a ride of some sort.  It used to be a ride on my bike but he has been too large to squish himself into the attached infant carrier for some time now. Rick recently removed it to deter Josiah from attempting to climb up on it.

The other options are to ride in the wagon or to ride in the van. Yesterday, we did both. My hope was the long wagon ride around the block with the dog in tow would satisfy Josiah.  It didn’t. Moments afterward, as I was relishing the idea of resting on the couch for a quick breather, Josiah was at the back door, trying his best to unlock it to get outside.

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