He Dances

I’m not exactly sure when it started. But recently, our very bouncy, always hopping on his knees boy, stopped bouncing. He stood up. He lifted one foot at a time and shifted his weight. Ever so slightly, he swayed.

Josiah held on to the edge of the kitchen counter and rocked his body back and forth.  There was no music playing and it didn’t last long. As quickly as he started, he stopped. Josiah dropped back to the floor, content to resume bouncing. But I saw it happen. The next time, I was ready.

When Josiah stood and started to sway I held his hands and swayed with him. Picture two very awkward Jr. High school kids at their first dance, not really sure what they are doing. Josiah pulled away after a few brief moments.

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Don’t Short Change My Kid

God isn't finished with me yetEveryone is entitled to their own opinion.  Most of the time, I am happy to listen.  That is, UNTIL those opinions put limitations on my child.  Don’t even go there.

I’m well aware Josiah has challenges.  I understand he has great difficulty with most things. I’m quite sure I have a grasp on what he is and isn’t capable of.  I do not need well meaning professionals to paint that picture for me.

If there are limitations on what someone is willing or able to do to aide Josiah with the acquisition of new skills and abilities, fine. I understand that too.  Just don’t go down the road that says there’s not much more we can do for him.

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Puzzling Isn’t It?

enigmaJosiah is an enigma.  A psychologist told me, years ago.  An enigma is a person that is mysterious, puzzling or difficult to understand.  Unfortunately, We don’t own an enigma handbook. Sure wish we did.  It would make life much easier if we could just flip to the index when necessary.

Simplistic, strategic steps to remedy difficult situations would be most beneficial. I’m not asking for much.  I just want a basic formula to follow when things quickly spiral out of control. And, it has to be fool-proof.  Definitely fool-proof.  No spiraling allowed.

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Taking Care of Our Boy

syringeYesterday, we took Josiah to see a specialist.  The specialist needed to draw blood. As soon as the Dr asked if we wanted to have it done, Rick and I glared at each other. We hesitated for a moment, knowing full well what a blood draw would entail.

We try to prepare Josiah, as much as possible for what is about to happen to him BEFORE it happens.  Not really knowing how much he truly understands, it seems best to explain pretty much everything.  On the way to the appointment yesterday, I told Josiah a couple of different times he was going to see a new Dr.  I told him we were just going to sit in a room with this new Dr. and talk.  I told him there would be no pain. Unintentionally, I lied.

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Loving Middle School

good-day8So maybe there is no need for me to hide out in Josiah’s new classroom after all.  The first few days of 6th grade have gone remarkably well.  Day one, we received this note, Josiah had a GREAT FIRST DAY!  He was happy and cooperative.  Huge relief for me. Day two, the note said, Josiah was happy and tired.  He slept for an hour and twenty minutes.  Day three, he was back to happy and cooperative.
Since Josiah is non verbal, it’s necessary to have some form of communication between home and school.  We use a one page document for all the information.  Basically, it’s a check list to give us some insight about Josiah while he is not with us.

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