World Down Syndrome Day 2015

wdsd2Today is the 10th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day!  Every year on this special day, events and celebrations are organized around the world to promote acceptance of individuals with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome occurs when a baby is born with 3 copies of the 21st chromosome. So March 21st, 3-21, we celebrate and raise awareness.

The official colors for WDSD are BLUE and YELLOW.  You  may see lots of blue and yellow today.  You may also see lots of  brightly colored socks, mismatched socks or even extra socks to signify the extra chromosome people with Down Syndrome carry. You can show your support for all those who have been blessed with an extra chromosome by wearing Blue or Yellow today and by donning ‘crazy socks’.

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Clear the Area

Josiah closetEvery day is different with Josiah.  We never know what to expect but try our best to be prepared for whatever may come next. Most recently, Josiah has decided clothes should be optional. Though non-verbal, he’s been communicating quite clearly his preference to remain unencumbered with clothing.

He rips off socks, shoes, glasses, jackets and shirts with lightening speed.  If we are in the van as he disrobes, Josiah usually throws each article of clothing behind him. Sometimes he will hand us a shoe or his glasses, but only if we ask quickly before he tosses it out of sight. In the house, often times he throws each piece in the kitchen sink. Occasionally he will put his shoes and socks in the closet, again only if we remind him quickly before they end up in the sink.

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Wrecking Ball

The instant I looked down at my phone I knew something was wrong.  I had missed 4 phone calls and 3 text messages, all in a very short window of time. Josiah’s teacher was trying to reach me.  So was my husband.  The voice message said, “We are having a few problems with Josiah today.”

I barely heard that. Instead I heard the frantic screams of my now teenage son, echoing in the background through the phone. In moments like that, my world stops. Almost immediately my eyes welled up with tears.

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Food Critic

Josiah has become quite the food enthusiast lately. His willingness to try new and different foods truly astounds me.

What’s even more amazing, he thoroughly enjoys most everything put in front of him.

A few weeks ago, he ate tripe. I’m not kidding.  TRIPE. He also recently devoured shrimp fried rice, cabbage, black eyed peas and 2 servings of fried catfish.

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Broccoli for Breakfast

brocolliFor years Josiah was a very picky eater.  He had a few favorite foods we rotated throughout his day to make up each meal.

His most favorite was peanut butter and fluff sandwiches.  Fluff, for those of you who are wondering, is marshmallow creme. Every day at lunch, Josiah would devour peanut butter and fluff.  Some days he would eat 3 or 4 sandwiches.

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