Free tickets to a professional baseball game? Why, but of course we will take some. What could be better than a fun afternoon at the ball park with Josiah? A full body wax perhaps? A root canal with no anesthesia maybe? Seriously, what was I thinking?
In his defense, Josiah did great for the first 4 and a half innings. There was some serious fruit snack bribing in the beginning to get Josiah on the elevator so we could get to our seats. Then, just before the doors closed, an attempt to push through the crowd to escape. I hollered out, “Rick!” to alert my husband I needed assistance, as I grabbed for Josiah. The man next to me assuming I was talking to Josiah said, “It’s okay Rick” in a comforting voice as if to assure him the ride wouldn’t be that bad. The doors closed before Rick, I mean Josiah could dart out.
We found our seats and settled in to enjoy the game. Josiah was quite content to be there. Almost looks as if he is concentrating on the activity on the field doesn’t it? Without those purple beads, I doubt he would have lasted 10 minutes. We keep a pair with us at all times. We learned long ago, beads mean Josiah stays put.
This was the 1st inning. By the beginning of the 3rd inning, we started feeding him. He had ice cream and some funnel cake, then more funnel cake. We’ve also learned food means Josiah stays put.
Then, around the middle of the 4th inning, Josiah started getting noisy. He stood up a few times, made some loud vocalizations and began swinging his beads wildly. I asked Rick to take Josiah’s beads away for a little while. It usually helps to calm him. Not today.
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