It’s been rough lately with lots of screaming and too many punches to the head to count. We try to keep a daily tally but some days (most days honestly) it’s impossible to keep track.
Last week I ordered a ‘Cozy Caterpillar’ for Josiah. According to the website, it provides a proprioceptive and deep pressure touch experience like no other and is very effective for improved focus and calming for adults and children with: • Stress • Anxiety • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder • Autistic Spectrum Disorders • Sensory Processing Dysfunction.
One of Josiah’s amazing caregivers took the cozy caterpillar to ABA so Josiah’s therapist could advise on the best way to use it. She suggested he wear it 10 minutes every hour.
When I first put it on him he loved it and did not want to take it off. He sat at the kitchen table enclosed in the compression tube, quite happy. And here’s the best part. He wasn’t punching himself.