My Child is NOT Disposable

It’s been an interesting year so far. In the past few months I’ve had 4 people ask me if we have ever considered placing Josiah in a Group Home.

As in, it’s obvious you guys have done your best.  It hasn’t been easy.  Josiah’s been quite a challenge.  You and Rick are getting older.  Josiah’s getting bigger and stronger. How much longer can you possibly keep this up?

As if placing Josiah in a Group Home is a genius idea that would somehow miraculously resolve everything. Just remove him from your home. Problem solved.

Don’t even get me started.  This blog post is LONG overdue.  I should have written it many months ago when well meaning, compassionate individuals broached the subject with us during times of intense crisis.

I should have written it when it was suggested we put Josiah in Foster Care and let someone else deal with him.

I should have written it when it was suggested maybe we just aren’t cut out for this job and it might be best to find another placement for our son.

Here’s my disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, regarding Josiah. In no way am I passing judgement on anyone for choices made regarding individual situations.  We all have decisions to make based on personal circumstances. We have to do what’s in the best interest for ourselves and for our families.

That being said, I equate those well meaning comments from caring, compassionate individuals similar to one I heard from a well meaning medical professional during my pregnancy with Josiah. His comment, “I’m of the opinion life without intelligence is no life at all” intended to persuade me to consider abortion,still makes my blood boil.

So when kind people broach the subject of a Group Home for my 14 year old, non verbal son. I have a similar reaction. My blood begins to boil.

Here’s the thing.  God put Josiah in my life for a reason.  I am both honored and humbled by this role, well aware I must rely daily on His power, wisdom and strength to get the job done. It involves sacrifice and selflessness, something I’m not very good at, and ultimately it feels necessary to surrender my life for the sake of another.

I fail miserably many times. I’m not always very good at it.  Sometimes it shows.  Probably more often than I’d like.

But, I’m not a quitter.

Whatever it takes, for however long it takes, I’m in.  I’ll continue to learn and research and experiment.  I’ll look for resources, put supports in place and yes, even attempt Self Care Saturdays from time to time to provide the best possible life for my son.  He deserves nothing less.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I’d do the same for any of my children.

Josiah has no voice, so I must speak for him.  He’s not able to defend himself, so I must be his advocate. He is limited in his abilities, so I must help him learn. No matter how difficult it may become, I’m in this for the long haul.

No matter how hard it may be to understand our situation as an outsider looking in, please know this. If the idea to suggest a Group Home for Josiah ever pops in your head, it might be best to refrain from sharing it with me.

I respect your opinion and I greatly appreciate your loving concern.

However, I am a mama bear, protecting her cub.  I am a fighter, determined to win.  I don’t mean to be unkind, but should you bring it up, I may just have to taser you.  Consider this fair warning.

mama bear

9 thoughts on “My Child is NOT Disposable

  1. kim lindquist says:

    Bravo! You are a brave woman and a brave writer. I have good friends who ask regurlarly about my son’s future. No suggestions are made, thank God. I get tired of the questions.

    Love to you & yours.

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Kim! I know the intention is well meaning, but it doesn’t lessen the blow any. To assume Josiah would be better off somewhere else, or we would be better off without him is unfathomable to me.

      So glad to know your friends are not making suggestions. If they ever do, feel free to borrow my taser.

  2. Beth Landry says:

    LOVE your blog and I love YOU! YOU are such an AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT mother to handle things so well with Josiah and I will always admire you for it! You are such a strong, dedicated, and loving mother and I know in my heart God knew what he was doing when he gave Josiah to you. NO ONE could EVER do as well as you do with Josiah! Hang in there! You are doing extremely well with it! You got this!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Beth! I greatly appreciate your words of encouragement and continual support! It’s all by the grace of God! Some days bucket fulls of grace are required! : o )

    • embracetheblessing says:

      So sweet! Thanks Kathy! I have my doubts many times but I’m not willing to quit trying!
      Well, maybe for a week or 2 in Bora Bora, but then I’d get right back to it with renewed gusto! : o )

  3. Cynthia Rodriguez says:

    WOW, I cannot believe anyone would even say that. He is your BABY, He is a real PERSON he has feelings he understands more than the person telling you that. Keep being a Momma Bear!!!!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thanks Cynthia! I know people mean well, but I just wonder what they would do walking in my shoes. It’s much easier to be on the outside looking in and ‘think’ you have all the answers. Very different ball game when you are the one doing the day to day. I know you understand!

      I’ve vented, shared my frustration and now feel much better. : o ) Letting it all go!

  4. Elizabeth Norman says:

    Sooooooo sweet and genuine with loving firmness, Sandy! Josiah (and all your kiddos) are beyond blessed by having you and Rick as parents!!!!

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