Movies and More, the Sequel

Josiah at ZootopiaIf at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Two days after our initial screening of Zootopia, Josiah and I tried it again. This time we went on a Sensory Friendly Day, with the lights turned up (at least they were for part of the film, not sure whey they suddenly went out) and the sound turned down, so everyone can get up, dance, walk, shout or even sing if they want. One of the local theaters offers this option four times a month.

Josiah made it through the entire film this time. It didn’t hurt that one of his amazing caregivers was along for the fun.  She sat on one side of him. I sat on the other and there was a large metal railing just in front of us, blocking Josiah’s only other exit point.  He did try to slither under the bar a time or two to make his escape. But with some verbal commands and a little hand over hand prompting, we were able to get him back in his seat with ease.

It also didn’t hurt that I had loaded his backpack with some favorite snacks from home.  We skipped the popcorn completely this time.  He ate his way through most of the movie.

Here’s what I noticed.  Josiah didn’t watch the screen hardly at all, even during the credits, which is typically his most favorite part. He barely looked up. No wonder this boy doesn’t like going to the movies. He sits for close to 2 hours which is rather challenging in and of it self for Josiah. He isn’t interested in the action, doesn’t follow the story line and shows no enthusiasm whatsoever for being there.

In fact, he is mostly excited when it’s time to leave. Going to the movies is great fun for me, but it’s certainly not the best option if Josiah isn’t captivated with the story on the screen.

So why am I taking him to the movies?  Does it make any sense? Is it for his benefit or mine? Is Josiah profiting from this experience in any way?

These are all very good questions and ones I need to explore more intently before taking him again.

But, not until we give it just one more try. My big fat Greek Wedding 2

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