Josiah threw flashcards on the floor. Quite a few of them. He was instructed to pick them up, but of course he didn’t. Immediately, his teacher withdrew her attention from him. She stopped talking, stepped back a few feet and refused to continue working with him until he picked up the cards.
He sat on his bed, patiently waiting her out. She sat on the couch, ignoring him. She instructed the CNA who was also in the room to stay quiet. I love this woman. She runs the show and makes no apologies for it.
15 minutes later, Josiah’s lunch tray arrived. Josiah LOVES it when his food tray arrives. It only happens 3 times a day, but pretty much every single time the door to his room opens, his eyes dart expectantly in that direction. He is a hopeful boy. His teacher knows food is a strong motivator for him.
While Josiah sat stubbornly on his bed, his teacher made comments about his yummy lunch. She asked the CNA to tell her what was on Josiah’s lunch tray, which was clearly out of his reach. She wasn’t addressing him or giving him any attention, but he heard every word. Instantly, Josiah dropped to the ground, and began picking up his flashcards. One by one he handed them to her. He is no dummy.
He knew what was expected of him. He just refused to comply. Once the reward was strong enough, he was motivated and jumped into action.
We witnessed another incident in which Josiah threw a blanket and 3 pieces of paper to the ground. Attention was removed. The room became silent. Josiah was told exactly what was expected which was for him to stand up and pick up the blanket and papers. His teacher was very specific in her request. It didn’t take long this time. Josiah cleaned up his ‘mess’ much faster, enjoyed a quick cheese puff reward and the lesson continued as if nothing had happened.
I wish this teacher would work with him every day. She just started meeting with him this past weekend and is only scheduled to spend 2 hours 2 days a week teaching Josiah. I asked her if she would move in with us. I told her I would cook for her and make her whatever she likes to eat. I don’t like to cook. If she moved in, I’d become a gourmet, Julia Child.
I wouldn’t want to switch places with Josiah. I know his life is not an easy one. I’m sure there are many more challenges ahead we will need to work through with him. But there’s definitely something to this work/reward idea.
I don’t like to cook. I don’t like to clean. I don’t really enjoy doing laundry. I’d much rather bake or write or create.
I avoid the mundane and routine, pretending not to notice the pile of dirty laundry growing bigger or the stack of dirty dishes waiting in the sink. But if you doled out a few of these little goodies every hour or so, my house would be the cleanest one on the block.
Now, if I could only get Josiah’s teacher to work with me.
I will cook for this teacher, if she’d move in with you!
Awe, thank you Liz! I like that idea way better!! You are a sweetheart! : o )
Hurray!!! Big smile to hear such good news..
Thanks Virginia!! We are closer every day to getting our boy back! Of course I say that and then today when I was there, he trashed the room a bit and even threw his lunch tray to the ground. One step forward, two steps back some days. But it’s still progress!