ETB 54: Chase’s Story: Insights from a Resilient Mom

ETB 54: What does it really mean to be a parent of a child with autism? How do you navigate the challenges and celebrate the milestones? Join us on a deeply personal journey with Heather, a resilient mother who opens her heart about her experiences raising her son, Chase, who was diagnosed with autism at a tender age of 2.5 years.

Currently a stay-at-home mom who transitioned to homeschooling Chase after working as a para in schools, Heather offers unique insights into the world of children with special needs. She speaks about the bond she shares with her son, and how she has juggled through the challenges of his adolescence, including medication struggles and the tricky terrain of puberty.

As our conversation unfolds, Heather candidly discusses the aggressive behaviors Chase displays and the strategies she has employed to manage these situations. She underlines the importance of consistency, external intervention and support, a key aspect often overlooked. . This episode is a testament to Heather’s resilient spirit and unconditional love for her son, delivering a message of hope, insight, and valuable experiences for parents facing similar challenges. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss.

Join us to understand the realities, the hardships, and the triumphs of parenting a child with autism – a story told by a mother who has walked the path.

Connect with Heather:
Training that Emphasizes Safety, Consistency, and Restraints as a Last Resort
Christina Sullivan Foundation

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Embrace the Blessing Facebook Group:

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