Day 8

day 8

Day 8



Not a big deal really.  We are used to things breaking around here.  But at the end of a very long day of aggressive and self-injurious behavior battles, this just brought me to tears!  So very grateful for a wonderful husband who lovingly raced home from work to rescue his damsel in distress.



4 thoughts on “Day 8

  1. Heidi Colvin says:

    Sandy, has his medication changed? Or, how long has he been on current meds? Do you think that could be a contributing factor to self injurious behavior or aggressiveness ? Hormones too ? I am so sorry. I know you are carrying so much! You are an amazing mom on so many levels !!!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thanks Heidi. Yes, I’m guessing it’s all related to medication changes along with hormones but it’s just so hard to tell. Could it be allergies or a headache? He was home with me all day yesterday and it seemed to me it was just Josiah being willful at times too. He wanted his way and if he couldn’t get it he hurt himself, or me. Behaviorist unveils a new behavior plan for him next week. Hoping things settle down soon!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Me too! We see him Tuesday, but I was able to talk with him on the phone for quite a while today. He gave some strategies to implement right away! Praying they help! It ‘Takes a Village’ that’s for sure! So blessed not to be walking this path alone. We absolutely, positively could not do it without the grace of God and wonderful friends like you lifting us up in prayer! Thank you!!

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