Day 4

Barefoot on the Bus

Day 4

Too bad this boy wasn’t born in the 60’s. He would have fit right in. Bare feet, beads and all.  I promise you we do put shoes on Josiah before his bus pulls up.  He pulls them right off.  We check the toe of each shoe for misplaced socks which may have gotten shoved down there, making the shoes uncomfortable to wear. We loosen the laces, we pull on the tongue.  We stretch out the heel and we put the shoes back on again, tying them just a little tighter this time.

He doesn’t even bother to stand up to give us the satisfaction of thinking we won.  He stays there on the floor and rips them off a 2nd time, a 3rd time and a 4th. How long can we possibly play this little game?

Eventually, Josiah wins. Eventually, after enough consistency on his part, we stop trying.  Shouldn’t it be the other way around?  Shouldn’t it be after enough consistency on OUR part, Josiah stops trying? Aren’t we the ones training him?

I’ve always been one to love a challenge.  You have one?  Bring it on!  I’ll figure out a way to get around it or over it or through it if I have to.  Guess maybe that’s why God gave us Josiah. Keeps us on our toes and always learning; never bored, that’s for sure.

This shoe challenge however has been a tough one.  Some days we switch to velcro sandals which are much easier to slide on him and do not require socks. Did I mention Josiah rips off his socks with lightening speed and throws those along with the shoes?  If super glue or a staple gun were viable options at this point, I might seriously consider them.

One thing I know.  Someone, somewhere has figured out this dilemma.  There has to be another child in this world who refused to keep shoes on.  That child’s parents came up with a solution. I just need to find those people.  Until we do, the shoe war rages on.

Every morning, after breakfast, moments before the bus pulls up, we put shoes on Josiah’s feet, doing our best to distract him from the entire process.  Every morning, we think it will work. Most every morning, it doesn’t. We’ve gotten smarter though.  Lately, we just toss the shoes in his backpack, leaving the battle for his teachers.

We’re thoughtful like that.

6 thoughts on “Day 4

  1. Karan says:

    Sandy, you are simply amazing!!! Josiah is so blessed to her you as his mommy….and Rick his daddy. You two are the most patient people I have ever met. I just love you two so much!!!

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Thank you Karan, that’s very sweet of you! Any patience we have is a gift of grace, certainly not any of our own doing! We love you too!!

  2. Heidi Colvin says:

    Let me know if anyone responds ! Told you Chad has been taking his socks/shoes off at school ! I guess he figures he does at home so why not at school ?? Would Josiah wear those running feet shoes? The ones with the individual toes? Just a thought 🙂

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Hadn’t thought of the running feet shoes, but getting those on might be a challenge. Maybe we can just paint shoes on Chad and Josiah’s feet. Think anyone would notice? : o )

  3. Elizabeth Norman says:

    Love the ending: “We’re thoughtful like that.” You guys are some of the most thoughtful people I know!

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