Day 3

Day 3

Day 3

This is Josiah sitting comfortably at the kitchen table. Every so often he picks up a foot, casually drapes it over the back of his head and rests it there. For the life of me I can’t figure out why.  How is this even possible? If there was a circus traveling through our town Josiah could be a side show. Seriously! I think people would pay money to see all the ways he can contort his body.

I’ve seen both legs up behind his head multiple times, kind of like the way you or I might nonchalantly cross one leg over the other, only Josiah hoists both of them up over his shoulders like a pretzel boy. Yoga instructors have nothing on this kid.

When Josiah was much younger I snapped  many pictures of the various positions he would fall asleep in.  It always amazed me any of them were remotely comfortable. Imagine easing down into a split position on the floor with both legs splayed out at your sides, lean forward, rest you chest on the floor and sleep. Could you do it? I know I couldn’t.

I firmly believe God gives each of us gifts to enable us to become the people we were created to be, in order to do the work we were created to do. So here’s this kid who loves to bounce, has limitless energy, super human strength and tremendous flexibility. What do you do with that?

Josiah may have challenges most of us will never have to face.  He has cognitive delays and a severe speech impairment.  He may be limited in the opportunities available to him as he grows older.  But one thing is for sure. This boy has impeccable qualifications to be an incredible super hero.  Quite impressive if you ask me!

Child-Superhero (1)

3 thoughts on “Day 3

  1. Karan says:

    Sandy, I have to tell you my first feeling was sadness…not for you, not for him, but for me – yeah, me…..I am so sad that I live so far away that I had no idea he sat like this. I wished we lived closer!!!!!! I knew Josiah was flexible but OMG, this is incredible. It looks like he is holding his other foot with his right hand……I’m going to go try that position right now – I can do it, right?

    • embracetheblessing says:

      Fortunately for you, the house across the street JUST became available! Should I tell them you’ll take it? Much warmer climate and the sun shines most every day here! : o ) Any luck with that pose? I know you Karan, I’m sure you tried it!

  2. Elizabeth Norman says:

    “Impressive,” says the lady who had scoliosis surgery. I bet this is actually a yoga pose, something like Upward Dog versus Downward Dog.

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