Day 28

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day 28

This is how I found Josiah last night when I went to check on him in his room.  I really haven’t gotten to spend much time with him lately.

He came home from the hospital last Monday and I went into the hospital last Tuesday.  Long story short, I had a total knee replacement of my left knee, something I’ve needed for years but have put off for as long as possible.

Though I had no intention of having it done last week, a situation arose requiring immediate attention for my left knee, so we figured, if the doctor was going to have to operate. best to have one procedure as opposed to two.  Out with the old knee, in with the new.

If only it were that easy.  Josiah came home from the hospital in a weakened state.  He went to his pediatrician the day after discharge (while I was in surgery) and was put on another round of antibiotics for something he had picked up in the hospital.  He’s been slowly regaining his health and strength since.

We made a decision to keep Josiah home from school for the remainder of the school year and are pursuing a Home bound program for him instead.  His immune system has been so compromised and he’s had so many illnesses and such excessive weight loss, it just seems best for him.

So, as I adjust to life at home with limited mobility, Josiah is adjusting to life at home with minimal activity. His amazing caregiver comes over and works with him each day, but compared to his typical school schedule, this is a big change for him. Does he understand what’s happening?  I’m not really sure. He seems happy.  He’s eating well again. His strength is returning. I even saw him bounce on his knees across the living room this afternoon.  Those are all good signs.

Now if only I can regain my strength and my energy. My appetite is coming back.  I’m eating well again. Who knows, with my new bionic knee I may bouncing across the carpet with Josiah in no time.

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