Unfortunately, he was born into a family that is anything but structured. And Routine? Are you kiding me? Most days we fly by the seat of our pants in this family. I like creating a plan. I love organizing. I love scheduling the entire day. I just am not so good at keeping it, because I also love change. I love spontaneity. I like to switch things up and have spur of the moment fun.
Here’s a good example. Yesterday I had a ‘To Do’ list with 12 pressing agenda items. It would have been nearly impossible to get even half of that list completed, especially with all of the kids home from school on their last day of Christmas break, but I had every intention of doing my best.
Then, Breanne woke up. Out of the blue, she suggested it would be a great day to go to Ikea. Hmmmm…tackle my To Do list, stay home and keep some semblance of a routine, while keeping the kids entertained and Josiah engaged or ESCAPE. Not a difficult decision. Breanne and I instantly erupted into song, danced in the kitchen and sang about the fun we would have at Ikea. Eating their breakfast at the kitchen table, Jesse and Chandler were not amused. Undaunted, Breanne and I sang louder and danced more enthusiastically.
Ultimately, since the mom gets to call the shots sometimes, we went to Ikea. Josiah, of course, had no say in the situation. His routine was disrupted. His schedule was not on schedule. He truly had no idea what was happening. All he knew was he was going to get to ride in the van. He was happy to go. He was even more happy to bring along his Elmo balloon with a chewy tube attached to the end of the long ribbon. Josiah chewed on that thing the entire drive there. And it was a long drive.
Josiah did great in Ikea. He endured long hours of shopping. He ate unusual food in an unusual place. He sat in an unusually small shopping cart seat. He was unusually calm and well behaved. I don’t remember him bouncing even once.
Jesse and Chandler had alot of fun too. Turned out to be a great day really. Lesson learned…routine is great, structure is fine, but sometimes, going to Ikea is even better.