Daily Travels

Most every single day, Josiah and I take a ride.  It’s become such a ritualistic part of our morning that almost immediately after breakfast, Josiah walks to the back door and waits. He knows.

He knows we will get out of the house for a while.  We will either take a walk (not very often with this scorching Texas heat), go for a bike ride (I do all the pedaling and Josiah rides behind in the bike trailer, dangling beads and bouncing along the way) or go for a ride in the cool and comfortable air conditioned van. Usually, we go for a ride in the van.

Most often, there is no destination in mind when we ride.  We just strap in and go.  Sometimes we drive to the beach.  We ride along the seawall from one end to the other then turn around and come back home. Sometimes we drive up into town.  Many times we drive around the local neighborhoods .

Lately, I’ve started snapping pictures on our outings.  It adds a sense of purpose I suppose.  It’s become sort of an adventure to look for new or unusual sights along the way.

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Day 51


Day 51

Happily waiting for the school bus this morning. His string toy makes getting out the door much better. His string toy makes just about everything  better.