If Only

toolsYou’ve gotta just love Jesse, Chandler and Josiah’s pediatrician. We’ve known him for many years. He is so great with the kids. He is very kind and gentle. He makes sure each child knows he is there for him/her and addresses them, not the parents when asking how they are feeling.

He’s also very funny. He makes the kids laugh. He makes me laugh.

Yesterday, I asked him if he had a ‘Frequent Visitor’ card. I felt sure we would be eligible for a prize by now. Without skipping a beat, he said, “Oh you are. You get FREE medical attention for 4 years and your own parking space out front”.  He heard me mumbling about Bora Bora. He quickly added . . . “AND a cruise for 7”, as I interjected, “for 2“.

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Smore Fun

He did it! Josiah slept in his tent last night. I am so amazed.  Rick and I went out for a long overdue date night. When we returned, Josiah was sitting, very close to the babysitter, on the couch. Actually, he was literally draped all over her. He was very happy, very content to lay there with his head practically in her lap.

When the babysitter left, I took Josiah to his bedroom. I told him he was going to GET to sleep in his new tent bed, as if saying it with enthusiasm and saying it just once was all it was going to take. I really anticipated a battle. I had a strong feeling he was going to fight even crawling up into the tent bed. I thought for sure he would thrash about and struggle to get away.

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Time for a New Van

I can’t be sure, but I’m thinking it’s almost time to get another vehicle. Josiah has always loved being in motion. Doesn’t matter if it’s Rick’s 2 door compact car with Josiah crammed in the back seat. Doesn’t matter if it’s my big red van where Josiah has a nice captains chair all to himself. Doesn’t even matter if it’s the back of my bike with Josiah squished in an entirely too small toddler seat.

As long as movement is involved, he is all over it. Used to be Josiah would sit calmly in his seat in the van and stare out the window. Sometimes he’d dangle a string or some beads on the floor beside him. Not anymore.

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Scrambled Eggs and Meatballs

scrambled eggsToday has been Josiah’s best day since he was discharged from the hospital last week. He came home Friday afternoon. Rick took him for a follow up appointment Monday morning. The Dr. said it would take another full week for Josiah to bounce back.

It was reassuring to hear. We had been wondering why we hadn’t seen Josiah more perky after being discharged. Saturday Josiah slept almost the entire day. Sunday he did too. Occasionally he would wake very briefly, walk to another part of the house, plop down and sleep some more.

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What Do You Think?

feedbackEarlier this week I was walking the dog and thought, ‘I should write a book’. I actually came home from the walk, sat at the computer and began writing it. After an introduction of sorts, I stopped. I haven’t gone back to it since. Then, also this week, I’ve had a few people tell me I should write a book. Interesting huh?

A little over a year ago a friend casually mentioned I should write a blog. I think I laughed when she said it. What on earth could I possibly have to blog about? What would I say? Who would I say it to? Would anyone even care? One day, I just started. Actually, what got me mostly interested in doing it was knowing I was able to semi-design the blog layout. I’m all over that.

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