The Mighty Token Board

We’ve been using token boards with Josiah for a few months.  His ABA therapist made the first one using characters from Toy Story, his favorite Disney iPad read-along.

Of course, Mama Odie made it on the board even though she doesn’t belong with these guys. She’s been one of Josiah’s favorites for a while. Once he got used to the whole token board concept, we added a second.  Token boards are an exchange system in which tokens are given for each appropriate response to a request. Appropriate behavior is token worthy also.  In short sessions, Josiah is able to earn a Toy Story character or an adorable dog face to fill up his board.  These small velcro pieces are an immediate reward for a job well done with the full token board allowing him access to something extra exciting.  Most often for Josiah, that is time with his beads.

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The ‘New’ Josiah

Four months ago life was rather difficult.  We were in a bleak, dark place with Josiah. He wasn’t eating, he was barely sleeping.  He was beating himself up. We were precariously close to another hospitalization it appeared.

All these weeks later, I’m elated to tell you, we survived the storm.

With many answered prayers, a tremendous amount of assistance from an incredible support staff and divine intervention in the form of huge blessings (which have greatly improved our lives), we are in a much better, joyful place.

Today, Josiah is a different kid.  He’s sleeping, actually SLEEPING…sometimes for 10-12 hours a night. He’s eating really well and rarely has any self injurious behavior.  He now wears underwear, helps make cookies and smoothies (some of his favorite snacks), does chores around the house and is most often agreeable to trying new things and venturing out to unfamiliar places.

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Living in Mama Odie Minutes

Three years ago Josiah had no interest in his ipad.  We thought it would change his world, give him a voice, allow him to communicate with us. Instead, he tossed it aside.

He has never been the kind of kid to sit for hours on end engrossed in passive entertainment. He ignores T.V., preferring to turn it off rather than attend to it.  He rarely pays attention to the large screen at movie theaters (until the credits roll) and only stays in his seat if he has popcorn.

One of Josiah’s initial objectives was to endure the ipad for 5 seconds.  It required persistence and consistency to attempt such a lofty goal.  Five seconds felt like an eternity.

We rarely left him alone with his ipad for fear he would break it.

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Phenomenal Friday

Inspite of all the hurdles this kid has to jump over (or knock down), Josiah is incredible and most often he has a smile on his face. Few things make him as happy as food.  Here is what he ate for breakfast this morning:

8 scrambled eggs with sauteed green onions and spinach

4 bowls of oatmeal with 2 bananas and almond milk


16 oz of water

I guess that may explain why he is so happy right now.
Josiah's big breakfast 1

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Some Days Are Like That

I had exactly 30 minutes to get into Kohls, over to the Customer Service desk to have a security tag removed from a bathing suit and back out to the van to make it to an appointment across town. Sounds easy enough.

Except, I had Josiah with me.

I almost didn’t go. Josiah doesn’t like getting out of the van, not even to come back into the house.  Why did I think he would be agreeable to racing through a department store? I have no idea.  It just seemed, in that moment, like a good plan.

I pulled up to the closest spot near the entrance, opened Josiah’s door and attempted to put his shoes on him. He pulled his feet away.  I grabbed his backpack.  He threw it down.  I tried to unbuckle his seat belt. He refused to budge.

Not exactly the scenario I had envisioned.

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