The Fire Swamp

fire swampJosiah stayed home from school yesterday.  He had a fever and slept almost all day. This morning he woke early and seemed a bit better.  He wasn’t bouncy, which would indicate he was all the way better, but he was definitely smiley. Though still a bit lethargic, his interest in a string toy reassured me he was on the mend. Then I heard him cough.

If you know The Princess Bride movie, undoubtedly you remember the Fire Swamp scene. Westley rescues Buttercup from lightening quicksand, then discusses their next move. Entering the deadly swamp is the only way out of their dire situation, yet Buttercup knows if they do, they won’t survive. With a smile on his face, Westley tells her they have already succeeded.  He proceeds to describe the three terrors of the Fire Swamp. The first one is the flame spurt.  There’s a popping sound preceding each, which they can avoid.

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Dear God, Fix It, Amen

prayerLast night, Rick and I talked briefly about the recent behavior challenges with Josiah.  Rick confessed it felt hopeless.  He admitted he was overwhelmed and confused by the onset of some new behaviors.  He said he’s trying to understand what all this is supposed to mean.  What’s the lesson behind all of this?  That’s my husband for you.  He’s the analytical one, always trying to figure things out.  I’m not sure there are answers, quite honestly.

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Interview Questions

interviewRecently, a very special college student who is like a daughter to me, sent an email. She is majoring in Special Education and was given an assignment to interview the parent of a child with a disability. She asked if I would be willing to answer her questions.  I was happy to help.

It didn’t take long to write out my answers. The words just poured out. Little did I know tears would be streaming down my face almost the entire time. I’m not sure it really matters, but I felt the need to share.  Here, in part, are her questions and my answers.

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Oh What a Day

bad-daysYesterday, I had the occasion to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  OK, maybe that’s just what I told myself, to get through the day. It definitely was a character building sort of day with ample opportunity for selflessness and sacrifice.

Josiah was sick.  Read that to mean, we were all a little sleep deprived. It’s never a great idea to begin a character building day with minimal rest.  But then again, lack of energy is often times part of the equation when learning to sacrifice and improve selflessness. Let me just state for the record character building lessons are not by choice.

Nonetheless, we often find ourselves plunked down, smack dab in the middle of them. Quite often.

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A Little Sleep, PLEASE

napRecently, I met a very dear friend for breakfast.  She asked about Josiah.  When I mentioned he had been sleeping better, she was thrilled. We have been praying for him to sleep well, she said. Well, it’s working, I mentioned.  In fact, if I remember right, I may have even told her it was no longer necessary to pray for Josiah to sleep. At that time, he had been sleeping almost too much, if that is even possible.

Josiah had been taking 4 and 5 hour naps at school for a few days in a row, after full nights of sleep at home. On his last full day of school, when the class had a water day, Josiah crawled in the arms of 3 different teachers and fell asleep while with each of them.The other kids were splashing in a pool, playing with water balloons and bubbles, eating snow cones and popcorn, and even jumping in an inflatable house.  All the while, Josiah slept.

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