Josiah Arrives

Josiah joined our family January 22, 2002.  He weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz. and was absolutely gorgeous.  He was completely perfect as far as I was concerned.

Josiah at birth

However, the Dr. pointed out a large cataract on Josiah’s left eye; a big white cloud-like formation covering his cornea.  A pediatric ophthalmologist confirmed Josiah needed surgery right away.

Our tiny baby had to be patched until the cataract was removed. The concern was his right eye would work extra hard while the left eye would deteriorate.   Eventually it would just stop working. Read more

A Meeting with the Specialists

Chromosomes PosterSomewhere I remember hearing, babies identified in utero with Down Syndrome only have a 25% chance of surviving the birthing process. 1 out of every 10 is ever even given that chance.  Many parents opt to abort.  How very sad.

After learning our unborn child had Down Syndrome, we were scheduled to meet with a team of specialists to help us navigate the road ahead. Turns out only one specialist showed.  All I remember is his opening question: What are you going to do?

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What Would You Do?

What would you do?The call came early.

I remember the phone ringing.  I remember thinking, this is it.  The Dr. is going to tell us our unborn child has Down Syndrome. I just knew like you know about things. The funny thing is I was fine with it.  I really was.

Even before the amniocentesis, I remember reassuring my sister everything would be okay.We have 4 ‘normal’ children.  It will be interesting to see what life is like with one who just has a few more hurdles to jump over, I told her.

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Welcome to My World

world-handOur family would make for an interesting reality show. I’m just not sure I’d want anyone to have that much access to everything that occurs within these four walls.

We have 5 children, ranging in age from 20 down to 9.  The oldest has an ‘I should be an only child’ attitude and has since acquiring that title many years ago.

I distinctly remember telling her she was going to have a little sister or brother.  Barely two, she looked me square in the eye and said, Ship that baby to Alaska! Read more