He’s Growing Up

Our little guy turned 12 a couple of days ago. Twelve .Just a few short years ago we were bringing Josiah home from the hospital as a new born, with both of his eyes patched, not really sure what life would look like from that point on.

Then in the blink of an eye, he’s 12, on the cusp of becoming a teenager and growing facial hair.

When did that even happen?   When did this little guy grow to be a mini man?  When will he start shaving?  How is that even going to happen?  I watched him in the tub this morning, trying to figure it out.

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3:31 AM

Before I even open my eyes, I know it’s 3:31 am.  Josiah has entered our dark, sleepy bedroom. Happens lately, just about every night. OK, so some nights, it’s 3:30 and not 3:31, but seriously, we JUST turned our clocks back an hour.  Shouldn’t that impact this even a little?

Josiah has been (knock on wood) sleeping so very well for so very long now, I shudder to think this is becoming a new pattern. Yet, I know it is.

He enters our room in various ways.  Sometimes he is quiet and stands motionless by my side of the bed. Sometimes, he barges in, swinging the door with great gusto, laughing as he enters.
Sometimes, I hear him bouncing on his knees even before he makes his presence known.
Occasionally, I’ll hear the water in my sink running.

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Puzzling Isn’t It?

enigmaJosiah is an enigma.  A psychologist told me, years ago.  An enigma is a person that is mysterious, puzzling or difficult to understand.  Unfortunately, We don’t own an enigma handbook. Sure wish we did.  It would make life much easier if we could just flip to the index when necessary.

Simplistic, strategic steps to remedy difficult situations would be most beneficial. I’m not asking for much.  I just want a basic formula to follow when things quickly spiral out of control. And, it has to be fool-proof.  Definitely fool-proof.  No spiraling allowed.

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Taking Care of Our Boy

syringeYesterday, we took Josiah to see a specialist.  The specialist needed to draw blood. As soon as the Dr asked if we wanted to have it done, Rick and I glared at each other. We hesitated for a moment, knowing full well what a blood draw would entail.

We try to prepare Josiah, as much as possible for what is about to happen to him BEFORE it happens.  Not really knowing how much he truly understands, it seems best to explain pretty much everything.  On the way to the appointment yesterday, I told Josiah a couple of different times he was going to see a new Dr.  I told him we were just going to sit in a room with this new Dr. and talk.  I told him there would be no pain. Unintentionally, I lied.

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It’s Off to School We Go

life is a balanceJosiah’s new teacher called last week.  She introduced herself and asked if I could bring Josiah to meet her and to see his new school. It’s hard to imagine, but our little guy is going to Intermediate School in just a few days. No more Elementary School that he’s known since the age of 3. No more Ms. Frances or Ms. Cheryl or Ms. Katrina.  No more familiarity with the routine and structure he has come to know and expect for the past 8 years. We are on to new horizons with new hurdles to leap over and new hoops to jump through.
In the blink of an eye, we have arrived at the middle school years.

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