Day 15

day 15

Day 15

The pendulum has swung. Josiah went from extreme, self injurious behaviors to the complete opposite, seemingly over night. We left town Friday morning, concerned with Josiah’s intense aggression. We returned Sunday afternoon to find a totally different kid.

Josiah is now mellow and relaxed, smiley even.  There are no signs of agitation remaining, only the sweet remnant of the boy we used to know.  You probably won’t believe this but he was wearing shoes and glasses when we got home yesterday. The caregiver said he had worn them all day long.  No kidding!

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Day 14

day 14


I’ve been gone for the weekend at a family wedding in Dallas and haven’t seen Josiah for two and a half days. This is how he greeted me.

Guess words aren’t always necessary!


Day 13

day 13

Day 13

It’s been a rough couple of weeks with this boy! His behavior challenges have challenged us to come up with deterrents and distractions; not always an easy thing to do.

We have this sweet (most of the time) little guy who has no real form of communication, trying desperately to communicate something! The messages he’s been trying to send recently, still unclear, demand immediate intervention.

Josiah has been banging his head so hard on the kitchen table and ceramic counter top, he quickly developed a goose egg on his forehead. Sitting next to him every single second when he’s near a firm surface is nearly impossible.  If it were possible, catching the potential head banging behavior in time to block it is still very tricky. He’s fast.

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Day 11

day 11

Day 11




All this concern with Josiah not wearing shoes anymore and look who met him at the bus this afternoon barefoot! Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Next thing you know I’ll be throwing pillows in the sink or something.