A boy and his balloons. He keeps them close by even when he’s sleeping.
Day 43
Way back….when Josiah’s backpack was bigger than he was, He was 3 in this picture. Just a tiny boy heading off on a big bus to a big school for PPCD; a special needs preschool program.
Look at his hair and those glasses Look at that little chubby tummy. When we first moved from Ohio to Texas, Josiah was rather chunky. We have a picture of him from December 2005 where he looks much larger than he does here. You probably wouldn’t recognize him. I don’t know what happened but he definitely slimmed down after being here for a short while.
Day 42
Josiah’s pediatrician called last week to say since Josiah’s immune system is compromised, it would be best to wait for Josiah’s appetite to improve along with 2-3 good days of more normal energy. At that point, we could consider sending him back to school for half day sessions until the end of the year.
He assured us they are seeing fewer cases of viral and bacterial infections in his office. Josiah most likely would be fine returning to school in the morning. Then in the afternoon, he could be home to rest if he still needed some down time. So, last Friday, Josiah returned to school. Although not too enthusiastic about the whole idea, he went anyway.
Day 41
After the boat ride, we went to an old fashioned ice cream parlor. Josiah loves ice cream. We knew he would enjoy this part of the day. Wrong!
He needed another piggy back ride to even get in the place. All the others hurried in line to choose their favorite flavor. We hurried to find a seat for Josiah so he wouldn’t bolt. Here’s what I imagine he’s thinking.
“I can’t believe they dragged me here for ice cream!”