Josiah screamed off and on several times. Once again, not sure why.
When it thawed enough to venture out, we went for a ride. One thing Josiah has always enjoyed is going for a drive. He doesn’t always like to get out of the car when we arrive at our destination and sometimes it’s a struggle to get him in the house once we get home, but Josiah loves rides so much we take them frequently.
Our ‘beloved’ (I use that term loosely) van was in an accident and totaled 2 days after Christmas. Everyone involved was fine thankfully and we were blessed to be able to get another car just a few days ago.
We have driven vans in this family for the past 24 years! With 5 kids and 2 adults it was a necessity, but they are mostly grown now so we downsized to a mid-size SUV, which Josiah has taken to quite well.
This afternoon, after the icy roads from the Texas Winter Storm of 2018 thawed, Josiah and I went for a ride. He sat peacefully in the back seat, helmet in place, blue body sock snug around his body to keep him from self-injury, settling in for the ride, occasionally glancing out the window.
Then I turned on a few of Josiah’s favorite songs and cranked up the volume. What a difference.
Seeing him so happy motivated me to keep driving. We rode round and round the neighborhood, music blaring, Josiah bouncing (NOT screaming) and for a short while all was right with the world.
I don’t know if you have a child with special needs who experiences painful ‘episodes’ like Josiah. I don’t know what type of vehicle you drive or sound system you have, but I’m here to tell you my friends, this works! Give it a shot.
I’m creating a playlist on Spotify I’d be happy to share with you. Of course it will require a few dozen trips around the block to ensure Josiah approves of each song.
If you happen to notice a car bee-bopping around town, shaking wildly as it goes, take a closer look inside. You just may catch a glimpse of Josiah in all his Car Dancing glory.
Ah…the memories. We drove around the globe millions of times when our Cowboy was younger! Michael Jackson, Disney tunes, country music, Christian music…he loves it all. I understand!
I hear ya Kim! Whatever it takes right? I am currently trying to figure out how to program Proloquo2go to command our Google Home to turn on our ROKU TV for Josiah to access his favorite you tube music videos with just one button on his ipad! May have to wait for my tech savvy 20 year old son to make it happen. Been watching ‘how-to’ videos all afternoon and haven’t quite figured it out yet. But, I’m determined. Right now we have him pressing a button on his ipad to command our Google Home to play his favorite songs on Spotify, but he really likes to watch the music videos, so I’ll keep plugging away!